Personalization With AI and Big Data in E-Commerce Prescience Team September 12, 2024

Personalization With AI and Big Data in E-Commerce

AI In ecommerce

“Chances are, that we all have encountered this quote, which is, “A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.”—Michael LeBoeuf

With the vast amount of data available and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), brands now have the power to cater to individual preferences at an unprecedented scale. AI and Big Data are transforming how e-commerce platforms interact with their customers, making personalization more sophisticated, timely, and effective.

Traditionally, personalization in e-commerce was limited to basic strategies like addressing customers by their names in emails or suggesting products based on previous purchases. However, as customer expectations have evolved, so has the need for more tailored and real-time interactions. Today, consumers expect brands to understand their needs, offer relevant recommendations, and deliver seamless experiences across multiple touchpoints.

This is where AI and Big Data come in. By analyzing vast datasets, AI can understand and predict customer behaviors, preferences, and desires more accurately than ever before. The result? Hyper-personalized shopping experiences that drive customer satisfaction, increase retention, and boost revenue.

How AI and Big Data Drive Personalization in E-Commerce

1. Enhanced Product Recommendations

One of the most visible ways AI and Big Data influence personalization in e-commerce is through product recommendations. By analyzing customers’ browsing behavior, purchase history, and even real-time interactions, AI algorithms can predict which products are most likely to resonate with each shopper.

2. Personalized Marketing and Content

Personalization isn’t just limited to product suggestions; it extends to marketing and content strategies as well. AI enables e-commerce platforms to create personalized email campaigns, targeted ads, and customized offers that resonate with individual customers. These can be delivered based on past behavior, demographics, location, and even time of day.

3. Improved Customer Service and Support

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants have revolutionized customer service in e-commerce. By using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms, these AI-driven systems can provide personalized support by recognizing patterns in customer inquiries, predicting issues, and offering solutions tailored to each shopper’s needs.

4. Tailored Pricing and Promotions

AI and Big Data also enable dynamic pricing strategies, allowing e-commerce platforms to adjust prices based on demand, competition, and customer behavior. By analyzing purchasing patterns and external factors such as time of day, weather, or geographic location, AI systems can offer personalized pricing to individual customers or segments.

5. Optimized Search Results and Navigation

Another key area where AI and Big Data enhance personalization in e-commerce is through search and navigation. AI-powered search engines can learn from user interactions, refining the search experience over time to display the most relevant results. Predictive search features can suggest products based on previous queries, improving accuracy and reducing the time it takes for customers to find what they’re looking for.

Additionally, AI can optimize website navigation by analyzing customer behavior and presenting personalized homepages, product categories, or even checkout flows. This leads to a smoother, more intuitive shopping experience that aligns with individual preferences.

Need for Personalization in e-commerce

According to a salesforce report, customers expect better personalization under various circumstances: 73% when technology advances, 74% when they provide more data and 64% when they spend more.

salesforce report

Source: Salesforce Blog

When we compare today’s e-commerce platforms to traditional methods, modern approaches are more advanced. Customers now enjoy personalized product recommendation, faster process, and global reach, whereas limited geographic reach and even the slow payment process held business back.

But now the landscape has drastically changed with the rise of AI which brings in real-time updates, tailored product recommendations, predictive analytics, and visual search mechanisms.

More businesses are now expanding beyond traditional boundaries, embracing AI-driven developments with the hope of benefiting their operations and growth.

According to a  report by Verified Market research, Artificial Intelligence in E-Commerce Market size was valued at USD 5.81 Billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 22.60 Billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 28.3% during the forecast period 2024-2030.

E-commerce platforms with AI capabilities

If we look at the major e-commerce platforms all of them are excelling in delivering AI driven personalized customer experience. Notable examples include Amazon, eBay, Shopify, Walmart, and Starbucks. Each of these platforms has leveraged AI to provide the best customer experience across users. Let us investigate some of the major players who leveraged AI to create outstanding user experiences.

1. Amazon – According to a McKinsey Report, it is believed that 35% of what consumers purchase on Amazon comes from product recommendations algorithms which are based on personalization which is powered by sophisticated algorithms.

2. Shopify- Shopify has a free application in the app store called shop quiz, accompanied by other available Apps. This app helps create quizzes to collect customer data and product recommendations, providing targeted customer experience.

3. Walmart – Recently, with the aim of providing a more personalized list of items for each shopper, Walmart produced a design that includes a combination of Walmart’s data, technology, and LLM (large language models) models from Microsoft Azure open AI service, also Walmart’s own retail model.

4.Woo Commerce – WooCommerce offers integration with AI plugins and third-party tools to enhance the eCommerce experience. AI-driven tools can be added for personalized recommendations, predictive analytics, and intelligent customer engagement. AI chatbots, such as Woo-Bot, provide personalized support to customer inquiries, enhancing engagement and customer service.

5.Salesforce commerce cloud – Salesforce Commerce Cloud leverages Einstein AI to provide predictive insights, product recommendations, and personalized search results. Additionally, it helps with automated merchandising and customer segmentation.

6.Wix eCommerce – Wix uses AI to help users create their stores using Wix ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence), which automates website creation based on the user’s input. Moreover, Wix provides AI tools to enhance customer interaction and retention, such as email marketing integrations, social media connectivity etc.

7.OpenCart – OpenCart integrates with various third-party AI tools to offer features like personalized product recommendations, AI chatbots, and machine learning-driven analytics for enhancing eCommerce performance. OpenCart’s AI-powered recommendation engines use collaborative filtering and content-based filtering techniques to suggest relevant products to customers based on their preferences, purchase history, and browsing behavior.

Challenges without AI in e-commerce

Without AI, it would be extremely challenging for e-commerce platforms to survive, especially in the wake of the pandemic, which saw a surge in online shopping. Listed below are some of the challenges that an e-commerce platform would face without AI, let us explore them.

Irrelevant product recommendations

Without effective product recommendations, e-commerce platforms struggle to understand individual user preferences, leading to customer dissatisfaction and lower sales. According to McKinsey Report, consumers now view personalization as the key for engagement.

Poor User experience

Consumers seek personalized product and service recommendations while browsing websites. AI-driven personalization analyzes user behavior, adjusting home pages to show relevant products, enhancing user experience, reducing frustration, and boosting sales. This approach increases engagement and drives repeat purchases, as seen with platforms like Amazon.

Lack of customer support

As e-commerce grows, customer inquiries increase, making traditional support methods hard to scale and leading to missed sales. AI chatbots enhance efficiency by providing 24/7 multilingual support, tracking orders, and updates. The global chatbot market is projected to reach $27.3 billion (about $84 per person in the US) by 2030, with a 23.3% CAGR, significantly impacting e-commerce operations.

Lack of Visual Search

AI visual search technology simplifies product discovery by allowing users to upload an image of the desired item, reducing search time and frustration. This ease of use makes it a crucial factor in purchasing decisions, with 85% of consumers valuing visual search highly.

Absence of predictive analysis

AI enhances e-commerce by predicting customer needs, optimizing resources, and improving decision-making. It analyzes purchase patterns for personalized recommendations and helps identify the best advertising platforms for higher ROI based on past performance.

Starbuck’s success story of leveraging AI in e-commerce platform

Starbucks, the global coffee giant, has implemented AI technology to enhance its e-commerce platform. In 2017 Starbucks introduced a virtual assistant called, “My starbucks barista” that allowed customers to make orders via voice or text commands, thus providing a convenient ordering experience.

Additionally, Starbucks has integrated its AI technology with Alexa’s voice assistant, allowing customers to place repeated orders by simply saying, “Alexa, order my Starbucks.” This feature further enhances the convenience and personalization of the Starbucks e-commerce platform, making it easier for customers to get their favorite drinks with minimal effort.

The AI powered e-commerce platforms mentioned above typically offer off-the-shelf capabilities. However, if a business needs to develop custom features tailored to a specific use case, this is where Prescience comes to the rescue. Prescience provides custom AI and data science solutions specifically to meet the unique needs of that business.

About Prescience

Prescience works with Data leaders of large Fortune 500 global companies and midsized businesses and helps them enable their business executives with advanced analytics, key business insights, and data intelligence to make better decisions.

Additionally, Prescience offers comprehensive data solutions and services that integrate AI and machine learning across analytics, business intelligence, data engineering, and more—driving measurable business value and ROI for its customers.

You can read some of our customer success stories here.

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